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Re: First GN chip

>  I havn't been following the list too closely over the last month or
> two, but this caught my attention. (about 1000 unread messages) I've
> been tuning on my ol 84. Still no runs on the new front mount and my
> turbo still is on backorder. (PT72-1) I stuck some 52 lb injectors in a
> few weeks ago and was having trouble dialing things in. I pulled them
> and flowed/charted their characteristics in a excel spread sheet.

I'd be interested in seeing the charts...

I was
> almost convinced I had a bad one, but.. I know it'll crush everyone but,
> it is/was my tuning/chip tweaking abilities all along. I know, I know,
> but it's true. Started with a stock 87 rom and tweaked it from there. at
> any rate, I'm ready to stick em back in and try it again. I bought
> Direct Scan to use as a tuning aid this time. (VERY impressive scan tool
> BTW)

No need to mention it to me.  I been off on so many tangents for tuning you
wouldn't beleive it.  That's way I seemingly harp on some of the small s---.
It does, mater, and with a poor footing, it can really send you over the
edge.  Kinda like flying an SR-71, one small error, and you not only miss
the target, your at the wrong end of the globe.

>  Jim's passing out Testa performance chips? I guess you didn't ride the
> short bus as long as we all suspected. hehe.. kidding Jim! :)
>  Got any chips for my 52lbers Jim?
>  BTW, on the MAT sensor.. has anyone noticed that when you lay ~25 lbs
> of boost to the turbo link boost sensor option that it codes the
> computer? It looks like I'm not going to be able to hit my planned 30
> lbs of boost with that option hooked up. UNLESS, I disable the coding in
> the chip. Havn't really looked too close at it, yet. Too much other
> stuff going on.

Whatza   Turbo Link Boost Sensor?.  I got Turbo link is a scan tool, but the
other is a ??.

>  Oh well, take care everyone.. I feel a little less grumpy myself now
> days. Goin to the nats in Bowling Green, Bruce? My car should be the hit
> of the burnout contests!

When is it?.
Been so busy all of sudden losing track of time, but got to get out and meet
more these net guys.  Some kewl folks walking around here.
   Hmm, wonder who's black car that is, Ooops that's my other car <<GG>>
> JTesta1966@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 3/25/00 8:15:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> > nacelp@bright.net writes:
> >
> > << Gotta get a Hemco plenum, and faster IAT sensor, I think that is
> >  that needs attention.
> >  Feelin less Grumpy today for some reason.
> >  Grumpy >>
> >
> > If you're using a 148 ECM, the IAT does virtually nothing in the GN's
> > Fueling adjustments are only like 120* and up, and the timing tables
are )'d
> > out. Why would you need IAT? Are you goin to use IAT for something your
> > Is there any driveability to be gained by using it? Did you ever try
that bin
> > I sent?
> ***********************************************************************
> Dan Smith      84 Regal   11.841@115.09     GSCA# 1459
> St.Charles, Missouri
> mailto:morepoweral@tetranet.net
> http://www.tetranet.net/users/morepoweral
> ***********************************************************************
