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Re: Checksum questions

At 05:14 PM 3/25/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Ya checksum, at 0006+0007. Is the total from 0008 to the end of the program.

That was the trick, $0008-$7fff comes out to DAA5 just like it should.

>Didn't tunercat have a checksum program?.
>I just checked he has a 30 day evaluation program, If you doing many might
>be cheaper just to go this way, or get a editor, both the Tunercat, and

I'm probably going to do just that.   Time better spent tuning, not banging
head against wall about checksums et al.

-> Bob Valentine
-> bob@tecmark.com

>> I'm trying to burn a straight (unchanged, as downloaded) copy of ANHT to
>> work with along with the anht_hac.  I'm having problems figuring the right
>> checksum. My reference point is the anht_hac listing, which has a checksum
>> of DAA5 at $0006 which I assume is correct.
>> >From $0000 to $7fff the checksum is E10C.   Took a guess by looking at
>> where the data is in the buffer, and the checksum from $3000 to $715F is
>> DAF6, which is close.  $0000 to $0987 is FEBB, way off.
>> I looked at the 7730v3.ecu file, and it says the checksum end address is
>> 7fff. This is my first-ever attempt at burning, so what did I miss?  I set
>> the device type to 27C256.
>> -> Bob Valentine
>> -> bob@tecmark.com
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

