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Re: 7749 guru needed....
Thanks to Bruce & Ludis for their feedback. 'Cept now I'm *really* confused!
I'm using Promgrammer98 to read & write the PROM values. I assumed
percentages, since the MAP sensor (stock) is a 2 bar, and some of these
values would be needed under positive manifold pressures; I would assume
the x axis scale on the top would then read 0-200kPa (it reads 20-100).
Ok, now, I've *also* got a 3 bar MAP sensor & chip in my Sy, so all the
readings are lower yet. So, what I was going on is that "33" on the top
scale would correspond to 1 atm pressure, "66" to 15psi MAP and I'll never
get above 70 or so (at least on purpose).
Sheesh, I gotta *understand* the tools before I can use then very well.....
I'm ok on the closed throttle table; that's the one I had to zero out to
get the values & idle close to stoich. Also had to reduce the leftmost
values in the F30 (BP VE vs. RPM) table to get close to 14.7:1.
Can anyone clarify this for me? Idles great now, but the off idle stumble
is horrific; got to fix that next!
Thanks - Barry