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Re: Stupid question on fuel pressure

Typiacly the best way to check fuel pressure is key engine off.

Mas fuel is flowing under this condition and manafold vacuum is zero (same
as wot). 

Most system will caouse the pump to suht down soon after key on as a fire
safty feature, and most pumps have a line check valve to insure good cold
starts, so you can check of any system leaks. Late GM F and Y cars spec no
more that 10 PSI drop in the first 5 minutes.

The pressure regulator is a 1:1 regulator, 1 PSI vacuum change will cause a
1 PSI fuel pressure change.  

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 11:35:55 -0400 , gmecm@diy-efi.org wrote:

>  I here lots of talk in mags and web boards about what fuel pressure to
>  but nobody has said under what conditions should the pressure be set.  I
>  lots of variation depending on when I set it.  My guess is I should set
>  with the engine at operating temp and with the engine running at idle.
>  Sound right?  I had the bright idea on my own of just jumping the fuel
>  relay with the car off and setting it that way, but was loosing about
>  with the car running.  Sorry for the bandwidth, but I've come to trust
>  group's insight (plus it's a slow day at work :-)
>  Steve Marteney
>  smarteney@xlvision.com

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