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Re: Novice Question
7727s use a memcal (the dealy with the blue cover that covers 3-4 chips), of
which part of is a calpak.
On the 747s the calpak is a seperate like chip.
A memcal for a ecm can be $50-80+ at gm.
A calpak for a 747, or most C3 ecms is like $10.
The markups vary since the dealer just go by suggested list. Suggested
means they can change less ort wayyyyy morreeeeee. Some places go 3x cost.
Seems like this little stuff can just be such a heachache for them, and
knowing they are the only game in town, they go crazy, with the pricing.
Things get so edited at times, the threads are getting hardto follow, like
here we went from apples to oranges in 1sec flat.
> Do you know what the dealer would call them. I would like to order a
> (for a 7727)but most of the local parts guys look at me like I'm from mars
> when I ask for anything electrical much less an individual chip.
> Thanks,
> Max
> > ----------
> > From: Shannen Durphey[SMTP:shannen@grolen.com]
> > Reply To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
> > Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 11:00 PM
> > To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
> > Subject: Re: Novice Question
> >
> > You need to replace the small chip with an 8 cyl smallblock version.
> > I don't have the part number handy, but it's inexpensive.
> > Shannen