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Re: Knock sensor selection for 383 SBC
How well does the teflon tape work on the knock sensor? Will it still be
sensitive enough to pick up KR before it becomes audible?
Thanks, Jim
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Romans (ICQ#66838770) <romans@pacbell.net>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: Knock sensor selection for 383 SBC
Hi Dave: Just use a 350 vet sensor, install it with about 3 wraps of teflon
tape on the threads to stock torque, it'll be fine. Use the teflon tape
because with roller rockers and added bore clearance it will probably be a
bit noisier than stock. Just keep an eye on the knock with diacom and add
spark where there is no knock and take it out where there is (In the map).
The best tuning aid is to go to wot at about 600 rpm and tune for no
detonation all the way to redline. Then you can work on the part throttle
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Zug <dzug@delanet.com>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 7:26 PM
Subject: Knock sensor selection for 383 SBC
>It's easy to pick a knock sensor when going from a 305 to a 350 or 355, but
>what about a 383? I was planning on using the stock 350 sensor of coarse,
>and if I even found some outfit selling a sensor described as "for 383 use"
>I would be skeptical. Since the bore is identical, (+.0305") am I wrong in
>assuming the 350 sensor is absolutely correct? Do the aluminum heads
>(replacing stock heavies) sitting on top affect the signature of a knock
>event enough that a different sensor should be used? should I find a vette
>sensor and (net-res?) from an alum-headed 350?
>This is a (personal car) '165 MAF (yea, don't say it) -AUTO 383
>thx for any thoughts.