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Re: Turbo MAP & MAT interaction
> Brucester wrote:
> > I'll take you word about all you say.
> I quote from seen GM docs on this, and apply it to use, and add what has
> been learned from others too ;-).
> >, but, there are some critical areas
> > that need addressed in my opinion.
> Opinions are when we all learn, least you don't flat out say I am wrong
> (your too professional and mature for that), we don't learn well then ;-)
> and nobody is really impressed at that point.
Haha, yesterday I thought someone was wayyy wrong (least held my tongue, so
I didn't p--- them off to much), and got home checks my notes, and dah, it
was I that was wayyyyyyy outta line.
> > The stock senders are so slow in
> > responding to temp changes, that while the ecm might be making changes
> based
> > on what the sensors tell the ecm are, they change so much from a heat
> > at idle staging to 4-5 PSI boost (Brakes Locked, car still), to 20 PSI
> > 5,500 rpm, and this can happen in 5-10 sec, the ecm can't forecast what
> the
> > operating conditions will be, so it has to have at least quick
> > sensors, again in my opinion.
> Very true, then I wonder if it was that bad (it sure seems to be) then how
> does the fuel and timing values work making power in a safe manner? I am
> sure these areas are still out there and if others want to add, here:
Power in a safe manner just means richer then needed, and timing retarded.
Couple percent here or there for running to the grocery ain't gonna matter,
except for us that really like to RUN to the grocery.
> > Personally, I want full time baro, and instant CTS, and MAT
> corrections.
> > Why they have such good MAP sensors, and then drop the ball on the
> > stuff makes no real sense to me, other then it's not an EPA requirement,
> so
> > they got it close, and it feels good seat of the pants and they just
> it
> > there.
> Costs vrs returns I would imagine.
Totally, that is all that runs corporations nowwa days. So many bean
counters that have robbed us of decent cars, and have hidden the talent of
our engineers. They forced so much garbage on the population, that the feds
had to force them to be other then jerks.
> > I just dug it out but I'll be ordering a 12160855 transmission temp
> > sensor to see how it compares to a normal MAT/IAT/CTS sender. This one
> a
> > pipe thread, there is one other one I got in my notes to try.
> > Other thing is that you can fail safe the calibration much better.
> i.e.,
> > sudden spike in CTS, and kill the timing, and you reduce the power and
> > damage from say a blown headgasket.
> > Grumpy
> There are a number of companies (Alnor. Fluke, Extech, TIF. Checkit etc)
> suppliers (Omega etc) that make and sell sensors such as K-Type, T-Type,
> J-Type, E-Type, U-Type, S-Type, R-Type, Platinum RTD, and others. With
> having it's best working range: with good resolution, accuracy, linearity
> and signal feed type to select from, and I am sure you would be more
> successful at getting all these true values (linearity etc) from the
> suppliers instead of GM ;-).
Trouble is, I want to be able to get parts Mon-Fri, at somewhere other then
home. To me half the game is rock steady reliability, and accessible parts.
The price on the trick one for me is less then $7, hard to beat that.
> Jeff M