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Sensitivity of GM Knock Sensors
Thanks for the reply. I had already been through the timing (21 degrees @
WOT) have tried unleaded race gas with the KS still reacting @ WOT. The
further up the RPM goes the less Knock but at the initial hit in 2nd gear I
show a 7 degree KR. In high gear I get a 3-2-1 KR and then it goes away
about 4500 RPM. I backed the KS down as far as 80"# and it is better will
probably go to 70"# and see what that looks like. I realize that at the
shift and the initial hit of the throtle there will be some but of course
with the big hits I loose power.
Mabey I forgot to mention this is a supercharged 10# boost LT1 383.