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Re: P4 processor info

> steve ravet wrote:
> > Does the HUD code really fit from 5800-58ff?

I'd be surprised if the code fitted into 256 bytes, but there 
must be a jump table at $5800 in the HUD code because my 
disassembler tells me I have 8 references in a range of 11
x 3 bytes... (I added the ? entries manually).

Entry point $5000 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $DB63)
Entry point $5003 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $E38D)
Entry point $5006 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $F2A8)
Entry point $5009 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $D7B6)
            $500C ?
            $500F ?
Entry point $5012 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $DD9D)
            $5015 ?
Entry point $5018 outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $F2B9)
Entry point $501B outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $EC99)
Entry point $501E outside ROM image (ref. from PC = $E010)

Does anyone have a MemCal with HUD code present? Or does
the HUD unit plug into the PCB edge connector beside the