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Re: 6811 Disassembler

Donald Whisnant wrote:

> > From: Peter Gargano <peter@ntserver.techedge.com.au>
> > >I have been almost totally distracted from this task by writing a 68HC11
> > >assembler and a disassembler . . .
> >
> From: "mike mager" <mikemager@hotmail.com>
> > I haven't searched yet;  are there no good ones available?
> Goto:
> http://dewhisna.home.netcom.com/download.html
> Follow the links to M6811DIS and then to the project and you'll find
> both a disassembler and assembler that are compatible with each other...


Your disassembler works well, as I'm sure others will attest
to this too. My disassembler is currently functionally identical
to yours, and is a stepping stone to a larger project I have in
mind. I wrote it over a two week period, from scratch, because I
couldn't find any source code I thought worthy of modifying (there's
a lot of public domain code that is write-only-once!)

Just to explain a bit more about my own disassembler - 
It uses "alternative" mnemonics that I find easier to read - like
PUSH and POP instead of PSH and PUL, and I've used mixed case in
the mnemonics to aid readability. Like Don's, it also does code
seeking, and warns of indexed jump instructions, as well as the
fixes for extended but page-0 instructions that are generated by GM's
xxx compiler. It usually takes me about 5 minutes of running my
disassembler, searching for jump tables, etc. to get a source listing
that can be re-assembled to an BIN that's identical to the original

I don't have any documentation (yet) whereas Don's is comprehensive.
But, if you can run Don's, mine reads the same control files! I'll
provide a download link when I clean up a couple of command line option 
issues, and add the symbol insertion facility (ie. label names).