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Re: Disassemblers - Generate compiler code-x's source code?
Any guess what brand? I might have a copy of the Logitech one
> From:
"nacelp" <nacelp@bright.net>
> To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
> Subject: Re: Disassemblers - Generate compiler code-x's source code?
> Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 20:46:04 -0400
> Reply-to: gmecm@diy-efi.org
> <Cough>, <cough>, late 80's at least.
> Grumpy
> > What I have seen on actual GM documents is that they have been using a
> > "Modula compiler". This is for C3 and was mid 80's... Not sure if that's
> > true for the newer stuff or not.
> > David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT@bellsouth.net
Bob Currey
Sport Gold/Black '98 Trans Am Convt. 6 spd
Neon Blue '92 Grand Prix GTP 5 spd
Inferno Red 2001 PT Cruiser Limited Edition 5 spd (on order)
website: http://people.ce.mediaone.net/bcurrey/goldn98.htm
email: bcurrey@mediaone.net