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RE: vortec distributor pn 1104051
So does the hall effect sensor pulse 1 per rev? If so then it may be possible to determine TDC #1?
From: nacelp[SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
Sent: April 18, 2000 5:28 AM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: vortec distributor pn 1104051
Found it, I was thinking the HVS, system was internally gutless, but yes
there is a hall effect switch in there.
Did any one come up with an absolute answer about the vortec timing chain
cover working on older blocks?.
> Vortec unit has hall effect? sensor, small shutter. Only pulses once.
> Shutter is maybe 20 degrees???
> Somebody on this list can get a blow by blow of it.
> 95+ Chevy pickup w/454, pfi
> 96+ Chevy pickup w/ smallblock sfi
> Shannen
> nacelp wrote:
> >
> > What exact application is it?.
> > year, and engine
> > I think (rather sure), that there is one distirbutor with no guts to it
> > other then for spark distribution.
> > Grumpy
> >
> > Subject: vortec distributor pn 1104051
> > > Does anyone have any specifications on this Vortec distributor?
> > > Am I correct that it has a cam position sensor built into it and the
> > vortec uses a crank position sensor to determine TDC ?
> > > /Marc
> >
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