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Re: Asynch vs Synch Injection

Have you adjusted the injector constant?

Jeremy Gonyou wrote:
> Thanks to all that have replied, but...
> Oops.  Shoulda been more specific.  Asking questions while hiding my true
> motives always gets me in trouble here.
> I'm talking about tbi here.  7747.  I'm trying to expand the bpw because VE
> won't provide enough compensation for what I'm doing.  There is a value for
> max asynch pw that I thought I could *stretch*.  It's at D2C4 I think.
> Inevitably the next question is "whatdya doing there, son?"  Well it's my
> friends truck.  96 LT1, and yes tbi.  I'm sure ya'll get a good chuckle out
> of that, but that's the way it is.  Cheap, quick, easy - old school fi.
> Jeremy
