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Re: BLM numbers
Well I went through and added 10% to the flow amounts in the maf calibration
where the block learn was 140. (Below 16 grams/sec). I reset the injector
constant back to stock, 22.4, and so far the block learn is staying right at
128 and getting cross counts at idle!
I also got a bit wild with the block learn low med and high flow and rpm set
points. I'll keep you posted with the results. I raised both the flow and
rpm's 30% per setting. I will lose a small amount of resolution but I don't
think it will be a problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Zug <dzug@delanet.com>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2000 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: BLM numbers
>Heres what *I* can see...
>a BLM of 128 is neither adding or subtracting fuel to/from what the base PW
>and other tweake are dictating... this much we know. a BLM of 129 is
>(129/128) or 1.00781 times (or 0.781% more) the calculated INJ PW. in
>summary.. 0.781% per BLM value that is off 128.
>your BLM numbers all look just fine if you ask me. Idle is being richened
>up, which may be a result of a poor spray pattern or slower than stock
>reaction times of the pintle. higher fuel pressure makes the pintle coil
>have to fight more pressure, causing a slight delay... get em cleaned at
>least. more fuel pressure also of coarse sprays more fuel in for a given
>so you'd expect a lower BLM at the zero cell.
>A set of 23# injectors that were rated at 42.5 psi are really more like
>24.5# at 50 psi. theres a straightforeward formula for gettting the effect
>of FP, I'm embarassed that I cant pull it out of my head. setting the base
>PW constant for 24.5's to 21# would have the effect of (before BLM's get
>ahold of it) adding more fuel than the computer thinks its adding. the
>effect SHOULD be lower BLM's. what you may have is a situation where mods
>you've done require 24# injectors, set to 24# in the prom, with 42.5 psi
>is more appropriate i've read, but its still a trick to the computer) and
>what you really need is tweaks to fueling to bring the BLM's down to
>centerpoint. What you have is a few things set "wrong?" that are balancing
>it all out.
>o well.. rambling. my posts usually draw out the correct answers so wait a
>few. ;-}
>I'm going thru intensive BLM corrections on my TPI 383 right now. 150's and
>160's in the cells.. working on it... trying not to "trick" the computer..
>trying to set as much as I can correctly. a 14.5 AFR produces o2 bounces
>that top out at 780 mv.. I dont want to set the target to 12:1 to acheive a
>real world 14.7:1.. I want 14.7 to mean 14.7. thats just me... and thats
>"this week". ;-)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Mark Romans (ICQ#66838770) <romans@pacbell.net>
>To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
>Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 11:08 PM
>Subject: BLM numbers
>> Is there a set % of fuel that BLM numbers represent? In other words if
>> is neither adding or taking fuel away, for each number in increase in BLM
>> numbers how much fuel is being added on a % basis?
>> My BL numbers read as follows
>> 0 = 141
>> 1 = 133
>> 2 = 125
>> 3 = 119
>> 5 = ?
>> 6 = 125
>> 6 = 125
>> 7 = 125
>> 8 = 119
>> 9 = 119
>> 10 = 119
>> 11 = 123
>> 12 = 119
>> 13 = ?
>> 14 = 119
>> 15 = 119
>> I have the injector constant set for 21 lb injectors when I am running
>> I have the fuel pressure set at 50 lbs with the vacuum line off and I
>> ported maf, which is why I think I am rich at idle.
>> 1227165 in 87 Vet running 89 software. APYP base code.
>> I am planning on resetting the maf calibrations to correct the richness
>> idle and setting the injector constant back to stock.
>> Mark
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------