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Re: 87 to 89 ECM
> Grumpier than usual today?
Er, no, didn't mean to sound thatta way.
> > They suggested going to the later bin file.
> > The 89 calibration does away with the 9th injector, and just is more
> > refined. Better drivibility, IMHO.
> > 2 years in calibrations can make a world of difference.
> Anyway (assuming you'll still talk to me ;-), what are you saying here?
Start with the best calibration that you can. Others beside myself have
also, had good luck starting with this.
> That the original calibration ($32 EPROM ID = BUA) is the same code as
> the $6E calibration? Putting it another way, did GM remove the
> cold start injector by changing the EPROM data, or the EPROM code
> and data when they went to $6E ID?
I can't tell you, if they just rearranged the code/tables, or if there are
any large or even small changes in the program, but the bottom line was how
better the car ran, and that was with the 89 code.
> Peter