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Re: Illegal Operations

I think I saw win doc. that says GetCommError() is not always 100% to
clear data.  I also have had some reports of  problems with
ThinkPad but seem timing related.  Might check port voltages.  or maybe
some type of power management.
----- Original Message -----
From: Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G <Webmaster@lotus-carlton.fsnet.co.uk>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 3:58 AM
Subject: RE: Illegal Operations

> If by 'crash' you mean that they stopped receiving and displaying data (as
> opposed to the software locking up), then I have a similar problem on my
> IBM Thinkpad (can't remember the number, but it is an old steam powered
> '486 model). I wrote some simple 16 bit QuickWin code of my own to try and
> reduce the startup time, increase the sample rate and reduce the memory
> requirement (the notebook only had 12Mb, and Carbytes took forever to
> start, and would only manage 1 sample a second). I was quite surprised
> my software also suffered the same fault.
> What happened was that if/when a PC running Windows recieves an error on
> the COM port (for example a, framing error), it freezes the comport until
> you clear the error. This means that the PC can still transmit '232 data,
> but it will never receive anything. The only way to restore comms is for
> the host program to call GetCommError() (or the equivalent 32 bit
> function), and after that, everything is hunkey-dorey again (until the
> error). The errors occur on my car during cranking, and under very heavy
> load (100% throttle 5000+ RPM, 1.5+bar turbo boost, 10mS + injector
> duration)
> I haven't had time to investigate further with Carbytes or Freescan to see
> what their error recovery strategy is, but it is possibly the same fault.
> If so, then you will need to wait for Paul and/or Andy to sort it out, or
> download the source code and sort it out yourself. I was meaning to
> ask/tell both Andy and Paul about my observations, but never quite got
> around to it. Sorry guys.
> Cheers,
> Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn R. Lin [SMTP:slin01@mail.orion.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 6:42 AM
> To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
> Subject: Illegal Operations
> Finally fully assembled my MAX232-based ALDL scanner.
> Works great, but I'm having trouble on the PC-end.
> I've tried both Andy Whittaker's FreeScan and Paul Blackmore's CarBytes
> v2.
> After a few minutes of reading the normal ECM chatter, both programs
> will crash with an "Illegal Operation".
> I'm using Com3 and Win98 on an IBM Thinkpad 560.  Com2 is my PCMCIA
> modem, Com1 is the IrDA.
> Anyone seen this before?
> At first I thought it was the software, but since both programs crash,
> I'm starting to think something's wrong with my PC.
> Both programs work fine when I'm not accessing the serial port.  Maybe
> it's my funky Thinkpad.
> Shawn
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