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Re: Air temps and fuel
At 05:11 PM 4/26/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I been thinking about this Intake Tract Air Temp correction, and I think
>it's bee terribly misunderstood. All the higher octane molacules as I
>understand things have the lower evaporation temps. So starting at like
>130dF to 200dF is where all the "good stuff" is as I recall from a Union 76
>paper from years ago. Also, air intake temp has alot to do with detonation.
>On N/A engines this not a real big deal. However on the turbo motors it get
>to be an issue. The intercooler (when applicable) heat sinks a far amount
>of temp increase, on intial boost, but as it saturates, there is nothing to
>look at how much things change from atomization to vaporization, and I just
>wonder if that's been ignored, or not really even thourghly looked at.
> Course I might be way off base here.
Appears I.T.A.T. and, Delivered to the Chamber mixture Condition, are indeed
variables worth looking into. Add the AF chemistry, molecular state in the
combustion process , the good molecules always trying to hide at the intake
valve side of the combustion chamber, space here to serve the topics justice
isn't available. Getting a handle on these sorts of things would be prudent on
any IC engine , more so on a forced induction applications. Then add to the
mix , amount of heat the fuel can absorb and carry to the chamber, how active
the chamber,overall package design ,ability to run at the threshold of
while maintaining control ,etc,etc, my thinking says you're on target, just my
opinion though. The devil is in the details.
Len Sabatine