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CATS Disassembler comments

As I'm about to release V1.0 of my own 68HC11 disassembler, I thought 
I'd better see what other people have done with disassemblers, so I took
a look at the CATS version at (this is *not* an advert. for it!):


The download is about 5.4 Mbytes, and has a 30 day free trial period.

I'd be interested to hear comments by people who have used it - both 
positive and negative. If you reply here, or send more extensive 
comments (including any URLs for 68HC11 disassembler's you have used/like) 


..this will help me determine what features for V1.0 of DHC11, that
people find important.  I hope to release this version in the
next week or so. It is a DOS application that is controlled by a 
configuration file and/or command line switches, and is designed
to be upwardly compatible with Donald Whisnant's excellent M6811DIS 
(this *is* an advert for M6811DIS) at (hope you can reach there!)..


.. Without promising anything, I hope to have local label options 
(local labels are code references within a procedure boundary), long
immediate label generation options (for D, IX & IY indexed data 
access) as well as the usual code-seeking, word/byte data recognition, 
and special, easy-to-read mnemonics. My Alpha version currently 
disassembles a 16 k byte BIN in about a second (on a P100), and is
just 25 k bytes in size, no installation procedure needed either!
