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Re: '90 Calpaks and PROMs

I've found it very helpful to remove some of the proms and solder a
"regular" socket on the calpack.  I must have swapped chips 75 times
in the bench ecm, and the socket still works ok.  I pulled my socket
from an old network card, but I've seen packs of them at Rat-shack for
under a dollar.

TRAX wrote:
> A quick question from a newbie here ...
> Those of you who are burning chips from years where the PROM is soldered to
> the calpak ... is it possible to make some sort of adapter or do you have to
> unsolder the PROM, erase the chip, reburn it, and then resolder it to the
> calpak?
> Tim Siford
> '90 IROC