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Re: Idle Learn
Thanks, The reason i asked is i have had the 747 out and changed the prom in
it. It runs fine, but every now and then, the idle will go up & down, when
sitting in traffic. It has been a couple of weeks since the prom change,
but the truck is driven very little, mainly, just a little on the weekend,
so maybe it hasn't been driven enough yet. It did the same thing with
another 747 and a different Prom year or two ago when i had went from the
later model TBI ecm which was i think ????16136965????? to the 1227747.
Thanks again, Jeff.
---- Original Message -----
From: "rr" <RRauscher@nni.com>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Idle Learn
> There isn't an idle learn per say. From what I've seen it may hunt a
> as the block learn adjusts, but that's about it.
> From my experience with another ecm that requires an idle
> learn, well, it's a mess when it can't idle. Stalling, reving up,
> lurching off idle, dangerous to say the least.
> BobR.
> Jeff Flanary wrote:
> > Hello, Everyone. I am running a TBI 305 w/1227747 ECM in my S10 Blazer.
> > Everything including ECM, PROM, & Calpack are from an 88 model fullsize
> > Does anyone know if there is a procedure for Idle Learn, as with some of
> > other ECM's, and if there is, what it is? Thanks, Jeff.
> >