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Re: I/O Ports in Assembler

Andy Whittaker - Chester UK wrote:
> 1. Does anyone have any information that correlates what the software sees
> and the connections to the ECU I/O ports? I'm about 80% through
> disassembling my Lotus Esprit ECU and I would like more info on it. I have
> the wiring diagrams so I know what's connected to which I/O pin. The numbers
> on it are Service ID: 01228708 - EPROM ID: 16252789 (these are listed on my
> web-site).

Are you looking for what harness pin goes to what internal chip pin?  Or
do you want to know what harness pin connects through to what
memory/register location/bit?

The 1228708 ought to be just a 1228707 in an underhood case.  (I've
never seen an '8708...)  The 1228707 in turn looks to be a 1227749 with
an extra 14 pin SOIC chip.  The 1227749 schematic on my web site ought
to to cover 99% of the '8707 except for the extra chip and a possible
ECM pinout change.  You should be able to extrapolate from there to the

There is some P4 memory/register info on the diy-efi web site.  If there
are any other registers you don't understand, post a question on the

[ Writing this message was useful - I found three unread MEMCALs hiding
inside my '8707! ]

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/