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Re: 91 Pont Brain Teaser
Lots of mechanical reasons,
Sounds mst suspect inject sticking open, and it's flooding, the WOT to start
after stalling when at cruise, LEANS the motor. Hot restart bad, to rich
If cold start OK, the motor just likes the extra fuel then.
Getta FP Guage.
> A guy I work with has a 91 Pont grand am that has a slight problem I can't
figure out. When he starts it when it is warm out and hits the gas it will
stall. If he manages to get it going it surges about every second. He has
tried a new prom and that didn't help (before he asked me about the
problem). when it is surging down the road he will stop shut the car off and
restart it and it usually fixes the problem. sometimes it don't so he shuts
it off again and steps the gas to the floor and back and starts it again and
it usually works. That kinda sounds kinda like a TPS but that should set a
code and it don't have any set. I thought if it was computer related someone
may have ran into this problem before.
> later,
> Todd