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Re: Reorted O2 volts

Reading a '91 Cavalier shop manual, it says that the ECM supplies .450
volts on the 02 sensor wire; this contradicts everything I've read since I
thought you NEVER apply any voltage [even current limited] to the 02....  

-> Bob Valentine
-> bob@tecmark.com

At 05:01 PM 5/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Was just playing with the ecm bench witha 1227749 and basically stoock chip.
>Just some flags turned off.
>All comments reference Diacom,
>With the O2 lead disconnected the O2 reported by diacom, key on, no run,
>about 450 and wandered slightly, and flickered to .5.
>With the O2 input tied to ground thru a 100K resistor was aout 4 millivolts
>The O2 reported voltage was about .01 higher then actual.  But, this ain't
>lab grade metering
