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Re: I/O Ports in Assembler
Thanks for the info, guys.
Yes, I think 7727 is nearer to mine because mine's got four plugs on its
side, Red, Blue, Green, Brown - If my memory serves me.
I've looked around at the information presented.
It's what I/O Port Bits I read and write in software that correspond to I/O
connector pins I need.
P.S. I've used the ANHT hack to help me as well. This appears to have
similar hardware addresses but my Lotus MemCal code has a <lot> more library
routines. The way the Lotus code works out things like the spark are
different. The ANHT hack works out individual parts and then sums it all at
the end of the routines. The Lotus code keeps adding to the Y register to
get the final spark value. The fuel (my big problem at the moment) does
something similar but a lot more complicated. The developer must have loved
Stack based arithmetic to excess.
Thanks, Andy.
Andy Whittaker
Chester, England.
Email: arwefi@andywhittaker.com
Web: http://www.andywhittaker.com/
ECU Stuff: http://www.andywhittaker.com/ecu/
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Gargano" <peter@ntserver.techedge.com.au>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: I/O Ports in Assembler
> Ludis Langens wrote:
> > The 1228708 ought to be just a 1228707 in an underhood case. (I've
> > never seen an '8708...) The 1228707 in turn looks to be a 1227749 with
> > an extra 14 pin SOIC chip. The 1227749 schematic on my web site ought
> > to to cover 99% of the '8707 except for the extra chip and a possible
> > ECM pinout change. You should be able to extrapolate from there to the
> > '8708.
> Okay, taking this a step further, and quoting Ludis's info from...
> http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/p4xref.html
> ...the 1227749 is a 1227730 with one missing quad driver and an additional
> injector driver FET, and - the 1227730 is the non underhood version of the
> 1227727.
> So, I make Andy's 1228708 closer to a 1227727 than a 1227165!
> Andy Whittaker - Chester UK wrote:
> > 2. Has anyone a commented disassembly on a Turbo ECU they could send me?
> > using ECMGuy's Bua_hac as a reference which appears to have similar
> > code and some library functions but the majority of the tables'
> > are completely different.
> and there is a "hack" of the 1227727 at the ECMguy's site - it aint turbo,
> but...
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Shop/9938/software/anht_hac.pdf
> (note: it's 440 odd k bytes)
> So, have you seen the ANHT hack? I don't now how relevant it is, but I'd
> it would be more applicable than the BUA hack (for the 1227165). Note also
> the BUA code (ID=$32) is also fairly "old" compared to the later '165
> code.
> Peter