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Re: Diacom Help

HEY ED R!  You lurking?...

I bet I (or some/most on this list) could make a really cool windoze package
to graph native diacom data files more like (well, exactly like) excel does,
without doing the database conversion thing!

like with 9 or 12 re-scaled items on the same view, with colors and
graph-type selection and everything! If you're interested we could do it
PUBLIC, just post the data and config file(s) format and give a blessing...
(not that either is nessecary, but boy would make it more likely to happen,
and easier)

Is there a "modern" diacom package available?  the graphing features for the
one I used in '97 was fairly,... well... ummm... "usable". (but admittedly
better than anything *I* had marketed, he hee...)

> Which version is it?  The standard version (~$300) does not graph,
> only the enhanced version does (~$600 or so).    The graphing is
> pretty bad, only really useful for finding a WOT or a event to look at
> in more detail.