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Re: eprom id
I'd pass on the 29-B unless you're into antique test equipment. There's
a list floating around somewhere that shows what chips are compatible
with which plugins for the 29B. If you start at www.dataio.com and poke
around you'll see an email address for a guy who supports obsolete Data
I/O products, he can also tell you what it's good for. There's a
program called promlink that talks to the 29B over a serial port and can
download prom images. I think you can get a needham's scratch-n-dent
for about that price.
I had a 29B myself a few months ago but chose to unload it (ha ha ha) on
a list member rather than mess with it.
fat slug wrote:
> Hello all, this is my first newbie Question.. Ive found an eprom programmer
> at astro's for $100. its a universal 29-b, with a unipak 2-b plug in.. No
> one there knows how to use it, or if its compatible with my eprom..My eprom
> is an 88 year delco amjw (bcc) 8486 28 pins,.. out of a 165 ecm.. It would
> be convenient if this will work, since astros is only 10 min. from here,....
> or should i just get a needhams? ..thanks,Dan Griffin..
Steve Ravet