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Re: EPROMs are programming AOK
TRAX wrote:
> These programmed just fine. Here is the crazy part. I can program one of
> these EPROMs in 9 seconds flat.
Are you verifying them in 9 seconds, or programming a blank EPROM?
I calculate that you have a minimum programming pulse of ~280 uSec,
and this seems a tad fast. So, if you erase the EPROM, verify that
it's erased, and then program - it'll take 9 seconds for a 32 kByte
BIN file?
> The EPROMs are 90ns EPROMs. Would that make a difference?
No. This is the Read access speed - totally different to program speed.
> It took me all of two minutes to modify this with the dremel
> to cut off the last 6 pins.
Damn! Seems everyone who's anyone has a Dremel! My trusty hack saw
just doesn't cut it anymore! $^(