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Re: Delco controllers

I have a few 8)

the first one is 

 but you've already made it here follow all the links read everything 
then reread it all

and then try

this page is amazing Ludis is a reverse engineering god!


Previously, you (Mike from West Australia) wrote:
{ Hi chaps,
{ Had some feedback from a local mechanic who swears by Delco
{ controllers as the be all and end all of ECU's and setups, he
{ says they are better then Motec and Haltech...
{ Just curious if anyone has any Delco web info to check this out ?
{ Rgds
{ Mike Massen
{ Pictures of site installation at Mendulong near Sipitang, Sabah (Malaysia)
{ Remote Area Power System   http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus
{ Vehicle modifications on GMH Turbo, twin tyres, possible 175Kw at wheels
{ Preliminary pictures at http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus/Twin_tyre_vehicle/
{ Editorial on twin-tyre opinion and good reference about tyres:-
{ http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/2195/ttyreopinion.html
{ Ancient Sufi saying:
{         "Should your God save you from adversity, choose another God"
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Pat Ford                           email: pford@qnx.com
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