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Re: P&H Injector Interface

This pulling few wires out of the connector and adding an in-between sounds
like the easiest most sanitary way.  I don't have room for a whole 2nd ecm
case under my dash, but a small box with the drivers would be ok.  The
wires, 2 in my case going to the 2 sets of 4 injectors, (165 ecm) would
handle the current.  (Why wouldn't they?) for 4 P&H injectors each.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Garfield Willis" <garwillis@msn.com>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: P&H Injector Interface

> On Sat, 20 May 2000 15:29:53 -0400, Len sabatine <sabatine@epix.net>
> wrote:
> > Look at a "Plug in Module" for a Ford EEC IV, avail from Hypertech
> >  Superchips Etc. [ Especially Speed Density Models sans Eprom].
> >  Keeping this logic in mind; Adapted to GM Connector Scheme.
> >  Make a Plugin Male/Female "Module" with Ala 1949 chip board fix
> >  with as required pin addressing. plug in stock harness connectors.
> >  Run multiple P&H injectors. Reduce Rube to mole hill.No muss , fuss.
> >  Step [2] Gather parts and Build a Proto for the ECM at hand. Specific
> >  will require specific wiring details to achieve desired end result.
> Yeah, I think this has been suggested before, but two things I want to
> avoid:
> (1) If you make a plug-in module like the above (if I understand
> correctly), you place another two contacts inline for EVERY signal in
> the connector.
> (2) The above scheme would, as you say, require specific wiring for each
> ECM connector layout difference.
> Swapping pins out on a connector, and keeping everything else vanilla,
> seems much more "no muss, no fuss" to me. Just me dos centavos.
> Gar
