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Re: P&H Injector Interface
On Sat, 20 May 2000 16:33:41 -0400, Len sabatine <sabatine@epix.net>
> In ENGINEERING terms, One always must give something to get something else.
> Don't believe there are any free rides and every thing has a down side[s].
> Minimizing the Negitaves is all ANY Person can do in the present. The real
> genius is in design simplicity,although not always easily achieved. Use of
> appropriate F/M connectors should not cause any serious issues, especially
> in the friendly passenger compartment environment. IMHO.
Agreed, it's always a trade-off, no question. I don't really think the
additional contacts poses much of a reliability downside, but it does
some (as you point out, others have done it that way); the real problem
for us is economic: the multiple connector types to cover just the GM
In order to make this max affordable, you want to keep the number of
part nos/model nos of the interface box to a minimum. Amongst many of
the GM connectors, apparently even when the number of pins varies, the
pin itself remains the same type. This is tremendously helpful in
reducing the number of special cases.
The jury's not in yet, tho. We have to also enumerate the number of
driver combos to see how medusa-like this is going to become. It may
indeed work out that we can't make that modular (I doubt that, tho), and
the number of variations becomes one-per-ecm-type. I think this would
spell a no-go, at least for use to build for others to buy.
The goal is, for all the GM ecms, one box, one connector typeNsize,
modular drivers inside. We'll see if that's possible; to early to tell.