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Re: P&H Injector Interface

On Tue, 23 May 2000 19:06:19 -0700, "Walter Sherwin" <wsherwin@home.com>

>...One elegant, but generic, design should cover everyone's needs...
>Have seen too many "specialty"  boxes over the years which attempt to cater
>to too small a market segment.  As a result they do not flourish.

OK, Walt, I know I can always rely on you going for the concours
d'elegance. :)

Seriously, I don't see the Batch and SEFI applications each by
themselves as being too narrow a segment, do you? There are tons of both
out there. And there's an enormous amount of waste in building a box to
do both at the same time. I could go thru the details, but there's not
much in common if you want to make each affordable.

So did you wanna pay nearly twice what you needed to?

Actually, I think the VIC box at $400 is a good buy, if you wanna pay
that much! My hope was to hit a considerably lower price point by paring
down to the essentials and tossing the fluff. If that's too
"specialized", then so be it; the market will have spoken. No problemo
with that!

There's no sense in us trying to bring out a mee-too product and trying
to compete with Accel or MSD on their level, so either we'll offer
something both higher quality and significantly more affordable, or we
won't at all. That's our business plan.

The aftermarket is already way too crowded with high-dollar players. We
never really intended heading in that direction.
