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Re: Underhood Temperatures
On Thu, 25 May 2000 14:45:57 -0400, "Swayze" <kswayze@bellsouth.net>
>TEC (thermo electric cooling (peltier effect)) like the toyota(arrgh) 12V
>6-pack coolers. only specs I've seen on them as far as max. temp is around
>150degC, so I guess general purpose it wouldn't work.
Oh Yah, them things! I confess I've never had occasion to use one of
them; but you're probly right, might still be the problem of high
>Temp measurement underhood I guess is the way to go and try to find a spot
>where the rejection temp would be low enough to keep the electronics cool
>enough. thanks for the link.
Yup, nuthin like a cool spot in the shade.
>as far as you producing a SAT to P&H device, buying vs. building ,I would
>lean towards the under $100 range for eight injectors ( and I don't see how
>you could do it ).
This sorta thing always puzzles me. If you don't see how it's possible,
why would you then say in the same breath, "I would lean towards the
under $100 range"!? If it's not likely to happen and you know you're
just dreamin, why not "lean towards the under $25 range". Hee hee.
Seriously, tho, you're probly right. Maybe for raw parts cost all
totalled, but not for mfg & selling price. $150-200 is much more
plausible for the SEFI case of 8 individuals (at least I think at this
point), and when compared to the price of that VIC thang ($400+), I'd
imagine marketable at that price point. That is assuming there's a
market at all. :) From what I gather so far, the need for big batch
drivers for multiple P&Hs is greater at the moment; guess there are many
more people using the batch ECMs as experimenters. Remains to be seen
how cheaply we can build an interface for those; I'm workin on it.
Either way, tho, the cost is going to be even higher if you try to split
the drivers up into smaller packages in order to mount them topside the
engine, because even with the same parts count, you have more
enclosures, more connectors, etc. Oh sigh.