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Re: fuel pump info
On Thu, 25 May 2000 17:52:30 -0500, steve ravet <sravet@arm.com> wrote:
>Amazing what you find when you dig back through your email inbox...
>Bruce sent me some scanned pages from the A/C fuel pump book a while
>back. 9 pages of pictures, and 2 pages of tables listing specs such as
>internal/external, pressure, flow rate, etc. you can get there from the
>main gmecm page (www.diy-efi.org/gmecm), click on GM component info,
>click on fuel pumps.
Hey, those are GREAT, thanks Steve (and Bruce). We were looking for a
list like this just last week. Went with a Walbro cuz we couldn't find
an adequate range of specs on OEM stuff. Sigh.