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Re: cts

I would not mount the CTS in the housing.  If at all possible, put it
on the engine side of the thermostat.  I have a temperature gauge
sender in the thermostat housing in my 57 pickup, and even with a
bleed hole in the 'stat, the gauge shows little temp increase until
the engine's warm.  Right after the thermostat starts to open, the
gauge shows some of the temperature fluctuations that the 'stat's
natural cycling causes.  Every engine is different, but I'd put a
gauge or light sender in the coolant outlet before I'd install the ecm

Omer N Ozkul wrote:
> I am adapting a 1227747 to fit onto a jeep 258.  My question regards the mounting of the coolant temp sensor.  For simplicity, I can't mount the cts in the engine block or the manifold (it's unheated).  I was wondering if I could mount it in the thermostat housing.
> I realize that during start up that the temperature in the block vs the housing would be different due to the closed thermostat.  I don't know the magnitude of the difference though.  Would just mounting it in the thermostat housing be good enough?
> Any opinions?
> Thanks,
> Omer Ozkul
> obond@mit.edu