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Re: '165 switching both fans from the ECM?

The challenge: how to command my aux fan using ECM pin C11 while running
ARAP code?

I'm kinda new at this ECM hacking thing, but so far it's been great fun.  I
wanted to avoid the temptation to just ask "how do I make an ARAP bin
command fans on both pins C1 and C11" so I dug out my Helms and hex editor
and started playing.  First I verified the pinouts were comparable...for my
'88 GTA pin C1 is fan control and pin C11 is "Not Used".  BINGO!!  Now to
find a way to command pin C11 from within an ARAP bin.

Test 1: Are there one or more addresses set to FF in ARAP which are
responsible for commanding pin C11?

I started by comparing BUA and ARAP bins, focusing on the fan logic.
It looks like the BUA bin starts fan control at location 2F0 and ends at
2F8 with a 7-position table.  ARAP starts fan control at 309 and ends at
311 with a 7-position table.  Same # of addresses, and same sequence for
those values that exist in both bins.  However, ARAP has 2 sets of primary
fan controls...one for AC pressure hi and one for AC low.  These occupy the
two addresses which BUA uses for aux fan.  

So...Test 1 fails.  

Test 2: Is C11 switched based on the values in 30D-310?

I'll wire up pin C11 and run the car with really low fan on/off temps set
in 30D/30E and 30F/310, watching to see if C11 switches ground when the
temp conditions are met. 

My assumption going into this test is that C1 will switch on the values in
30D/30E, and that *BOTH* C1 and C11 will switch on the values in 30F/310.

I'll report back when complete, fingers are crossed!  BTW if anyone knows
what is really going with pin C11 running ARAP code, my feelings won't be
hurt if you spoil the punchline.  ;-)

-Kevin Crain

At 08:18 AM 5/27/00 -0400, you wrote:

>> -Kevin
>Ecmguy's web page, http://ecmguy.tripod.com/ , has a complete copy of
>the doc that this was cut from.
>* >>> Cooling Fan Tables & Params <<< 
>* TYPE $32 ECM 
>LC2F0: FCB 35 ; Fan D.C. = if MPH > 35 & A/C Press Hi 
>LC2F1: FCB 11 ; Use A/C If > 11 MPH 
>LC2F2: FCB 75 ; 15 Sec, Min Fan On Time 
>; Cal = Arg * 5 
>LC2F3: FCB 255 ; Fan 99.6% D.C. If A/C Pres ^ & MPH < 
>; Cal = Arg * 2.56 
>; FAN 1 ON 107c 
>; Cal = (deg c + 40) * (256/192) 
>LC2F4: FCB 197 ; Fan D.C. = tbl if Cool >= 107c, (226f) 
>; & A/C on & FAN OFF 
>; FAN 2 OFF, 105c 
>LC2F5: FCB 193 ; Fan D.C. = tbl if Cool >= 104.7c, (220.5f) 
>; & A/C on & FAN on 
>; FAN 2 ON, 115c 
>; Cal = (deg c + 40) * (256/192) 
>LC2F6: FCB 207 ; Fan D.C. = tbl if Cool >= 115.2c, (239.5f) 
>; & A/C off & FAN off 
>; FAN 1 OFF 110c 
>LC2F7: FCB 200 ; Fan D.C. = tbl if Cool >= 110c, (230f) 
>; A/C off & FAN on 
>; Cal = (Arg + 40) * 256/192, (Deg C)
