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Re: UPDATE, Swapped to carb to rule out ignition.. and pseudo-intro..

Well, actually, I did manage to get some figures, but a stopwatch is about 
the fanciest piece of equipment I could afford at the time.  And like I 
stated it WAS faster to about sixty.  But that's only just out of 1st gear.  
I really didn't get the opportunity to get to an open highway to do any 
highspeed testing.  And when I was, I was on my way somewhere and testing 
wasn't on my mind.
But now I have access to a 1/8 mile track (still mostly 1st gear and a little 
second.) and I am using the stopwatch on the highway (I have a good empty 
cop-free stretch where I live now)  But, of course, stopwatches aren't a 
whole lot better than the butt-o-meter.  I think a good scan tool with data 
logging is what I need, but that won't give me a 'before'.
So in the end, when comparing carb to FI, the butt-o-meter and a stopwatch 
will have to do.  (and the eighth for the 1st gear runs).
Unless someone has some better ideas?  I sure there have to be some.

In a message dated 5/31/00 7:29:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
nacelp@bright.net writes:

> If you not doing accurate testing, what are you doing?.
>  Buttometers, are just slightly less accurate then reading tea leaves.
>  Without back to back testing (when measuring for performance) your just
>  guessing,   why waste the fuel?.
>  Same with trying to figure mixtures using the O2 voltage
>  Grumpy