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Re: Two barrel TBI must have a flaw, I give up.

Now to make any real power, least from what I've seen, you'll need the 2"
butterflies.  Barry Gant sells em, but then ya need to find a machine shop
that understands the word slow feed to machine the TBs for the larger
butterflies.  Other choise if the BBC TB.

> I seem to be making progress juggling the BPW and ve tables, it feels like
> its pulling up to about 5000 now which is a big improvement, which
> incedentally was the result of lowering my bpw to115. Only problem now is
> that it doesnt pull much past 5000 and according to the o2 (which ive
> is next to worthless for tuning, dont know if it got that way or its
> been) its going lean..

I wish I had a penny for every time I've said forget the O2 for tuning.  It
just ain't Reliable.  You can get by with it forra while, but it will bite
ya, PERIOD.  Remember what is it when ya run your best and use it as an
indicator.   SOME OF THE FAST BOYS use it as a serious tuning aid, but the
really fast guys use it along with other indicators.  Doubt me?.  Go over to
the GN list and read really carefully about who goes fast, and who blows
head gaskets.   THE PROBLEM is the looky lou's, try and copy them, and read
just what thye want to hear (?).  Like being in denial, doesn't effect the
truth.  No flame intented to the GN folks here, just stating the less then

 dropping down to .7, its also not so smooth going up
> it seems to cycle between smooth and rough coming up the rpm range despite
> it pulling what 'feels' to be the same. So now im faced with increasing
> BPW to give me more fuel at the top which of course will mess me up on the
> bottom end.  Is there any calculation out there to know what  is the
> equivalent percent VE change a BPW change will have? In other words, if I
> raise my bpw from 115 to like 125,  what % would I have to lower my ve to
> equal the same amount of fuel added prior to the bpw change at a given
> on the map?

It's not all linear in all the corrections for AE VE etc as EXECUTED from
what I've seen.  Tune the WOT for max performance ( NOTE not peak HP or
Torque), the do the drivibility as an entirely seperate issue.  Don't try
both at once, maybe working back and forth some but not at the same
   And keep a detailed notebook.
   Sorry for the yelling, just been saying the same thing so many times,

> Sorry for asking so many questions, if this has been covered just let me
> know and Ill go look for it, hate to be a nuisance
> Pablo
> At 08:26 PM 6/1/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >> You're right, I have a westach EGT and CHT in the mail.. Not real sure
> >> how well the CHT is going to work, hopefully ill be able to see the
> >> heat up when it goes lean (and be able to tell the difference)
> >
> >EGT, fine
> >CHT, fine for air cooled engines, and 2 strokes.  Unless they got real
> >in the last few years not to accurate on water jacketed heads.
> >
> >> and about the video camera, ive wished to be able to see whats going on
> >too.
> >> Maybe I can con a small child into sitting under the hood for a test
> >> and look for me :)
> >> How would I go about finding out if the injectors are recieving enough
> >> power?
> >
> >Amp meter?.
> >
> >Should I rig up my dwell meter to them aswell?
> >
> >You can read dwell as Duty cycle remembering 90d dwell will represent 0%
> >duty cycle.  Really don't need to worry about exact valuse what matters
> >that they stay close to full on.  Is kinda interesting whatching DCwise
> >happens for AE DFCO etc.
> >Grumpy
> >
> >
> >> Pablo
> >
> >

> >
> >
> >
