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Re: gas Grumpy rant

In a message dated 06/03/2000 17:37:10 Pacific Daylight Time, 
nacelp@bright.net writes:

<<  If your claiming all the smog  guys in CA are talented mechanics your
 being over optimistic, if you took personal offense to it, oh well.
    I found it rather funny, since even as a smog guy, I thought alot of the
 other techs were mostly parts exchangers, and dam few mechanics.
   Jumping thru hoops, with one lung, hahahahaha >>

Just the ones I know, and I know few.  I just take offense because I'd rather 
be involved in the CA smog scam than flipping hamburgers. hehehehe

By the way, I'm not licensed yet.  Still got that good old Clean Air Car 
Course next semester, and of course all those damn ASEs.

"I resent 'experts' who have never faced deadly threat,
yet who tell me - and you - that we should not consider
a response of equal power against those who would
threaten our lives."
-- Massad Ayoob