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Re: Good Weekend
> Is this a 3.8 litre?
> For my uninitiated to GN's benefit...what's the stock cam's duration at
Off the top of my craniam, somethin like 180, and a really mild lift.
> Sounds great...
The serious engine will be the trick one (4.1L). This caught me off guard,
the next one will be a full on trick motor. Thermal barrier stuff
everywhere (well where it counts anyway). Hope to have a different ecm
running things by then.
> Doug
> Bruce Plecan wrote:
> > > Come on Bruce...it's only one of those "wee little six's"...not one of
> > those big 'ole eight's...(:>)
> > > Just kidding...congrats...how about a few details (whatever's not
> > top-secret of course) on the build up you're doing...
> > This ones rather mild for, durability, and lots of testing.
> > Internally hydralic roller cam, 208 @ .050 .495 lift -14d overlap
> > clean up the ports with a dremel