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RE: Heat crazed mad scientist

I don't have anything intelligent to add to this topic, but I find it
interesting that ALL (?) the aftermarket, high-flow, twin-blade throttle
bodies basically have the airfoil piece designed in the housing.  Do they do
it for looks or just for show?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Plecan [mailto:nacelp@bright.net]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2000 4:37 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Heat crazed mad scientist

Someone posted a link to a pic of one, after a quick refresher on what they
look like, I'll bet 2 shiny new pennies that it will slightly worsen the air
flow, especially at higher flow rates.   For a better look at what happens,
you might try to get a copy of Model Rocketry by G Harry Stine.  Lots of
**Good** data about sub sonic air flow.  Also an easy read, and I think
there was some talk about laminar flow boundry layer etc...
   Also, for aero info., look at the WWII fighter stuff that's all sub sonic
(prop stuff, in level flight), and a good source.  Exterior flow over a
fuselage is just the same as what's in the intake tract.
   If ya think I got crazy about air filtering, and misc stuff ya ought see
what rockets brought out in me