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Re: Heat crazed mad scientist
> There is a machinist here(the best in town) that does something to carbs.
> won't tell you what and during tech tear down it is invisible(it is
> in roundy round racin')but it makes a big differance. Has something to do
> with smoothing the surfaces, thats all he will tell you.
> "if ya ain't cheatin', ya ain't tryin'"
Yea, rounding the surfaces of the little NOS bottle installed in the valley
pan ;-) I've seen nos bottles in the gas tank, but never one in the valley
pan he hee.
> Btw the same guy builds remote control cars that run 60+ miles per hour
> using weed eater engines. He wins every race without fail!
I had an ELECTRIC RC car that we clocked at 65 mph in a bronco. 8 cells and
a small DC motor. clean and green ;-) it used 96-strand 10 guage wire and
rechargable matched-cells that put out 1.55vdc each, 3000MaH packs.