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Re: Rev Limiter on '87 Corvette
I had often thought that if I got into this situation, I could reduce spark
advance so severely just before the rev limit I wanted that it would force
the trans to shift from the drop in torque that resulted. - problem is the
spark table doesnt extend up to 6000 unless you get creative with the
scaling in the code.
I didn't know the 87 code did not support a rev limiter <???>. I think it
must.. but if it really doesn't (it has to!) , go to 89 code and get one of
the available editors (FTP), pay the shareware fee ;-) and learn how to use
it.... and read the archives and be careful with a new engine!
If its an 87 vette, and it has a TPI on it, its got a sort-of all-metal
rev-inhibitor system already cleverly included ;-P (the TPI)
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron G Kallotte <akallotte@juno.com>
To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 5:42 PM
Subject: Rev Limiter on '87 Corvette
> After my rebuild, my motor might want to spin faster than I think is
> healthy. I thought I had a factory rev limiter, but I've since learned
> that it doesn't exist. How can I burn my own rev limiter into the eprom
> that will be gentle on the car? Thanks
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