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Re: wooden spacers
While there is a grade of Balsa that is kinda hard generally balsa is
considered a soft wood FWTW
> Hotrodderzzz@aol.com wrote:
> > regarding plywood, there are furniture grades and marine grades that are
> > uniform
> > roofing plywood on the other hand is full of gaps
> > generally plywood is considered stronger than regular woods SS
> Not that I'm any kind of woodworking person, but plywood is still
> softwood, not hardwood. Softwoods are basically conifers, pine trees,
> firs, etc. Hardwood is everything else, including balsa (!). Plywood
> may be stronger in a structural sense but I think it would squish and
> leak if you built a manifold spacer out of it. Here's Bruce's original
> post on the topic from a few months ago:
> Got a power drill?.
> Go to a GOOD lumber yard and get some hard wood, that's truely a 1"
> thick
> (might get some various sizes, like .5, and .75" so that you can play
> mix
> and match for the best combo). Drill your pattern, and carve as
> necessary.
> Go to you local hobby shop where they sell balsa model airplanes, and
> buy
> some Hot Fuel Proof Dope, it must be FLAT BLACK, and paint heavily. Let
> dry, and install.
> Can be done for less then $10
> Grumpy
> Cheap as always. BTW, I've run these on carbed engines for years..
> Phenolic, ya, Ash Oak etc works as well. I also use Kendall 427 grease
> on
> the gaskets with the above so that they are reuseable.