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Re: Rev Limiter on '87 Corvette
OEM Tacks can be pitifully inaccurate.
Ain't no way to be gentle on the car for rpm cut out. They all one way or
another turn the ignition or fuel off, and on. Turn the fuel off slowly and
it lean, and that ain't good. Trying to quickly retatrd the spark is beyond
my ability. I used a MSD multi step, and tried to quickly retard the
timing, but the testing was getting on my nerves for what I was doing to the
engine. Trying to test at 3,200 was about pointless, ever time I thought I
had it, and tired it at 6,400, it wouldn't work anywhere near as
effectively. Gets to the general statement of shifting at 2-300 rpm over
max HP is fastest. Again, test <sigh>
> I was kinda thinking the same thing about my car. (the revving part not
> new motor part). I was going to modify the speed limiter section to
> a rev limiter by throwing in a extra branch statement.
> Well, Pontiac says a rev limiter kicks in at 6200 rpm...I haven't found it
> yet, and when I tried, I found my tach needle on the wrong side of the
> little peg.
> >After my rebuild, my motor might want to spin faster than I think is
> >healthy. I thought I had a factory rev limiter, but I've since learned
> >that it doesn't exist. How can I burn my own rev limiter into the eprom
> >that will be gentle on the car? Thanks