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Re: 1998 O2 sensor
Thanks for the answer. This is what I thought. I will be using both sensors
just to prevent any problems. This guys engine is missing some items. It may
end up being too big of a pain to use anyway.
Paul Washburn
> In this case, I doubt it very much. You're very likely gonna be just
> fine. Reason being, what the ECU is looking for in the post-cat sensors
> is any large correlation between O2 swings in the pre-cat and the
> post-cat. Nuther words, it's *expecting* to see very little signal swing
> in the post-cat. The error condition is when it DOES see significant
> swings. So in a nutshell, the front one MUST swing around, and the aft
> one had better NOT much.
> These conventional sensors aren't fast enough to see much of the
> cylinder or bank-specific O2 pulstations, so there isn't any attempt to
> match up pre & post signals in time; it's just looking for proof that
> the cat if effective, by lookings for NO major O2 excursions in post-cat
> exhaust, during closed loop. The reason why they have two post-cat
> sensors is to satisfy the requirement that with multiple-cat installs,
> the diags can flag *which* one is misbehaving/wornout.
> BTW, I think you're wise to be planning mounting them both back there on
> the one pipe; that'll preclude problems that might occur if you
> attempted to use just ONE sensor to feed both post-cat O2 inputs. I've
> heard that in some cases this doesn't work, due to how the ECU circuitry
> that reads the sensors is designed. You could TRY using just one, and it
> might be able to drive both inputs and keep the ECU diags happy, but be
> prepared to revert to using them both, if not.
> HTH,
> Gar
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