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RE: wooden spacers
At 05:40 PM 6/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Aaron Willis [mailto:darkmonahue@awwwsome.com]
>> I've used Chapstick for years on carb and manifold
>> gaskets. Works like a
>> charm for me, never have a leak and can always get them
>> apart. Sounds like
>> rubbish but, as they say, it works for me.
>> Tip came from Barry Grant if that makes it easier for
>> anyone to swallow ;-)
>You sure that's real? I know (from experience) if you do this on some
>gaskets that get hot it will actually stick. I believe that carcraft or hot
>rod (I know, great pieces of journalism) had it listed in a 50 myths
>I know that stuff like Pam cooking spray will work though.
Mark, I got the tip from Hot Rod (was re: Holley float bowl gaskets) years
ago, but it wouldn't surprise me if they disavowed it later on. All I can
say is "it works for me" and perhaps "try it at your own risk".
Small disclaimer: I have never used it on anything that gets super-hot.
I've used it on intake manifolds on a little inline-4 Toyota that never
gets above 195'F, and they will eventually get sticky, but peel off easily.
I think Pam would indeed be a better solution, but sadly I never think
that far outside the box myself and have to have tips like that handed to
me. Thanks for the idea...
Aaron Willis
Garage TE51 International http://surf.to/garage-te51
ICQ # 27386985
AOL IM: hemiyota
Yahoo! Pager: te51levin