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RE: Lambda sensors - Where, Why and how Much ?
Mine are in the engine exhaust down pipes, post turbos but pre cats if that helps.
Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G
-----Original Message-----
From: Squash [SMTP:realsquash@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 4:48 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Lambda sensors - Where, Why and how Much ?
I'll stick out my head and say that most 4-wire sensors are the same functionally. I'm running a
ford/bosch 4-wire post-cat sensor on a 454/1227730 and it works great. Others have done the same.
The problem is connectors, tho. I've got a Ford connector on my GM harness now :)
--- "Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G" <Webmaster@lotus-carlton.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think my car may need new Lambda sensors. The ECU is a GMP4 1228331, -
> same as in the ZR1 - and the car is fitted two, four wire jobbies. Just
> been done the local GM dealer, and they want about 100 quid - ($160) EACH
> !!!!! Of course, all I can get from the dealer is the Vauxhall/Opel part
> number, so I have no way of crossreferencing with Delphi/Bosch/Lucas etc to
> get a better deal. So
> Question 1. Are all 4 wire Lambda sensors basically the same, so it doesn't
> matter which manufacturer I choose ? Even after market ones cost 50 quid
> ($80) each, so its an expensive mistake if I get it wrong.
> Question 2. Anybody got any Bosch or Lucas part numbers that are known to
> work with the GMP4. Delphi part numbers also welcome, but it is usually a
> problem to order direct from Delphi here in the UK - they often make you go
> to Vauxhall.
> Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G
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