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RE: wooden spacers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Willis [mailto:darkmonahue@awwwsome.com]
> Mark, I got the tip from Hot Rod (was re: Holley float
> bowl gaskets) years
> ago, but it wouldn't surprise me if they disavowed it later
> on. All I can
> say is "it works for me" and perhaps "try it at your own risk".
> Small disclaimer: I have never used it on anything that
> gets super-hot.
> I've used it on intake manifolds on a little inline-4 Toyota
> that never
> gets above 195'F, and they will eventually get sticky, but
> peel off easily.
> I think Pam would indeed be a better solution, but sadly I
> never think
> that far outside the box myself and have to have tips like
> that handed to
> me. Thanks for the idea...
After reading it in hot rod years ago I tried it on the fuel metering gasket
on the top of a crossfire TB (at least that's that I'm calling it, it's the
gasket that fits between the top piece and the pedestal that the injector
and regulator is in and makes the connection for the fuel passages). When I
had to take it apart again I found that the gasket was stuck in there (I
ended up having to make some of my own after that because the only way to
get them from GM was to buy them as part of a kit that cost something like