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Re: '84 Corvette .bin and/or ecu file needed
Crossfire, fer sure. These cars seem to have bad IAC motors, bad
cats, sticking EGR valves, and bad TPSs. The 82 Vette TB's seem to
wear out around the throttle shafts, too.
Andrew Mattei wrote:
> Hey, if you find one, send one my way too. A guy here at work just
> bought a '84 vette a couple days ago, and I'm trying to learn about it
> so we can tweak it a little. Stoopid question, do those have crossfire
> TBI? Can't find the info on the net to say "for sure", and I haven't
> seen the car yet. If they do, I'm going to go Archive Digging so that I
> can figure out all of Doc's little CFI secrets, since that's his
> "economical" platform of preference and the archives are riddled with
> tweaking tips. ;)