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Re: 727 ECU limits

ECMnut@aol.com wrote:
>  I was considering doing this on one of my brother's many 4 cyl bikes.
>  Since the MPFI fires the injectors twice per intake event, I'd set the
> cyl select to 8cyl and end up with one inj-pulse per intake event

You might end up with conditions where you get one injection per every
other intake event.  You'll need to disable the "doubling-up" of narrow
pulse widths.

> and the ability to see 12k RPM with the 4cyl Kaw engine.

The ECM hardware should handle the 12K just fine.  Software will be the
problem.  It often has a limit of 6375 rpm.  A few versions support
something a bit higher, like 7150 rpm.

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/